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    April 2010
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Reviewed By You

Today Club Penguin posted about the Reviewed By You. Last week, they ask us what crazy plants you’d want grow if you had a garden. Bubble192 said “I absolutely think it would be cool if you planted a flower that make the other plants around it grow and when it bloomed the the leaves tasted like ICE CREAM! then we wouldn’t have to use machines to eat ice cream. (But of course we couldn’t eat all of the plant). And if the stalk tasted like STEAK! Also, the roots would taste like…..Oh i know! APPLES!!!!!!”

So I hear soon the Medieval Party is coming up. So next weeks Reviewed by you is going to be about what your looking forward to MOST at the party.

Mission Sneak Peak

Hey guys! The new mission sneak peak came out. Here it is.

Something also caught my eye in the picture.

Its a door. Herbert is probably behind there. What do you think?

Series 8 Book Hidden Items

Here is a video for it. I just found out how to take the Hypercam bar off, so it is a clear screen.

I am also making some new mission videos and funny pictures too. So be ready.

Recycle Hunt Guide

It’s Earth Day and Club Penguin is going green! There is a Recycle Hunt and you have to find the hidden items. Here are the items in order.

The First item is in the Coffee Shop.

The Second item is in the Pet Shop.

The Third item is at the Cove.

The Fourth item is at the Dojo Courtyard.

The Fifth item is in the Book Room.

The Sixth item is at the Forest.

The Seventh item is at the Ski Village.

And the last one is at the Mine Shack.

Club Penguin also made a pathway to the Mine from the Forest!

Cool, eh? I wonder if they can do that with the Dojo Courtyard. Also, check out my new poll on the sidebar. 😀

New Pin: Leaf Pin

The new pin in Club Penguin has been released. It is the leaf pin. You will find it at Ski Mountain.

I am going to add some widgets to the sidebars and everything. I will also be making funny pictures.